Monday, June 28, 2010

WCF : Developing a basic WCF Client and Service


  • Create a blank solution in VS 2005. To get better understanding of code we will not use WCF project templates installed with WCF sdk.
  • Add a class library
  • Add reference to System.Service Model assembly and namespace.
  • Create interface .. apply Attributes
namespace MathUtility
public interface IMath
int AddNumbers(int x, int y);
int SubstractNumbers(int from, int number);

  • Create Service Class from interface. Implement Interface.

namespace MathUtility
public class MathService : IMath
public int AddNumbers(int x, int y)
return (x + y);

public int SubstractNumbers(int from , int number)
return (from - number);

  • Now we need to host this as a service. We will host in a console application.

  • Add a console application project. Add Application Configuration file to the project.

  • Add Reference to System.ServiceModel.

  • Modify the app.config file as following.

<!-- This Section is exclusive for WCF configuration for both service and client -->
<!-- This section is to declare services hosted using this cofig file -->
<!-- This section declares individual service. name=type name which implements service contract -->
<!-- behaviorConfiguration = name of bahavior config which we will define later -->
<service name="MathUtility.MathService" behaviorConfiguration="MathServiceBehavior">
<!-- base address of the hosted service to which clients will connect-->
<add baseAddress="http://MyMachine:8080/WCFServices/MathService" />
<!-- the actual address where service is exposed -->
<endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="MathUtility.IMath"></endpoint>
<!-- The address where metadata is exposed and will be used by Svcutil.exe to generate client classes -->
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"></endpoint>
<!-- The behavior which we mentioned above in <service> section-->
<behavior name="MathServiceBehavior">
<!-- Exposing metadata on http. Not mandatory for fuctioning of service if client already has metadata-->
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True"/>

  • Change host app as following.

namespace MathServiceHost
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MathService));
Console.WriteLine("The Math Service is running");
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to stop the service.");
catch (System.Exception ex)

  • Start the service.

  • Use Svcutil.exe to generate the client classes and app.config file.

>svcutil /language:C# /config:app.config http://MyMachine:8080/WCFServices/MathService/mex

  • Create a new console project. add generated .cs and app.config.

  • add reference to System.ServiceModel and give namespace to generated .cs file

  • You may have to remove identity tag from client config file if it has been generated. We will cover the reasons later.

  • Use the generated classes as follows :

namespace MathClient
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MathClient mathClient = new MathClient();
Console.WriteLine(mathClient.AddNumbers(1, 1));
catch (System.Exception ex)

  • Pls leave a comment to this post if you face any issue in executing the above tutorial.


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